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HD Abdominal Etching London,
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Before and After - HD Abdominal Etching
A 33 year-old women with slightly droopy breasts and excess fat on her abdomen desired Breast Augmentation and improvement in her abdominal liposuction with sculpting of the six pack. The liposuctioned fat was then taken and transferred over small breast implants that the patient placed at the same time. Postoperatively, the patient has much improved breast shape and a natural look to her breast because the fat is placed over the implants. Her abdomen shows subtle but real etching which is not to be over done in a female. Patients usually recover from high definition etching in 3 to 4 weeks.
Before and After - HD Abdominal Etching
A 25 year-old male desired liposuction of the abdomen and chest. High definition liposuction with abdominal etching was recommended. Postoperatively, the patient demonstrates excellent contour of the abdomen with narrowing of. the waist and the appearance of a “six pack” due to abdominal etching. Abdominal liposuction in males generally takes 4 to 6 weeks to recover from because the fat is ore difficult to remove in male patients, resulting in more trauma to the skin.
Before and After - HD Abdominal Etching
A 34-year old women who had previously had a tummy tuck complained of the flattened appearance to her abdominal etching was recommended. Postoperatively, there is greatly improved definition to the abdomen with narrowing to the waist, and the appearance of a “six pack”. Patients who have had previous tummy tucks are ideal candidates for high definition etching because we can restore the abdominal contour that a traditional tummy tuck remove. Recovery is usually 2 to 3 weeks.
Before and After - HD Abdominal Etching
A 24 year-old women with excess fat on her abdomen desired HD abdominal etching and improvement in her abdominal liposuction with sculpting of the six pack. Postoperatively, there is greatly improved definition to the abdomen with narrowing to the waist, and the appearance of a “six pack”. Patients usually recover from high definition etching in 3 to 4 weeks.

Before & After

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