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Who Is an Ideal Candidate for BBL Surgery? London,
Female Buttocks Smooth Skin.

The Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in the world. It is our specialty – Dr. Daniel Del Vecchio is recognized world-wide for his advanced fat transfer techniques that are used in our BBL procedures. While BBL can create sexy, beautiful curves, it is not the perfect procedure for everyone. Here are some of the traits of an ideal BBL patient.

Small or Flat Buttocks

The main goal of BBL surgery is adding volume to the upper buttocks by injecting fat. Ideal BBL patients have uninspiring buttocks they want lifted and enhanced. The use of Dr. Del Vecchio’s advanced EVL fat transfer can provide an augmentation to the buttocks that looks and feels natural.

Excess Fat in Other Areas

The best BBL candidates want to enhance their buttocks while trimming another area. To perform a fat transfer, you need fat available to harvest. Patients who have a little excess fat around their abdomen or on their thighs can shrink one of these areas with liposuction, then have that purified fat transferred to their buttocks.

Good Skin Elasticity

While there are many older patients that want a BBL – it is common to lose projection and firmness in the buttocks with age – good skin elasticity is necessary. Patients with skin laxity from aging or weight less may not be good candidates for BBL, but still can undergo a traditional butt lift or implant surgery. Without good skin elasticity, the fat transfer will not provide the lift and projection that most patients desire.

The ideal BBL patient benefits from removing fat from one area and transferring it to their buttocks. This can give the body gorgeous curves – many women choose to have fat removed from their abdomen to achieve a snatched waist with ample curves added to their rear. Patients who are very slender can still have a BBL (we call it a skinny BBL), but it is more limited.

If you are interested in learning more about BBL surgery and whether you are a good candidate, contact us at London BBL Surgery and Body Contouring. We can book your private consultation with Dr. Daniel Del Vecchio to discuss whether BBL is right for you.

Posted on behalf of Safe BBL - London

Harley Street,

Phone: +44 7537 133224

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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